Galia Rumenova
* New studies prove that walking isan excellent preventionfrom cancer.
We live in time of countless medical achievements, but we are sicker than ever. Today we have to fight with illnesses that come from factors like stress, irrational feeding and sedentary way of life or said in other way – from the wrong way of life that we cause to ourselves. Although there is data of growing number of cars in the world, there is one method for treatment that is the exact opposite of this statistics –the walking.
The walking is really free panacea for a number of illnesses. It supports the tonicity of the whole muscular system, helps the feeding of the muscular cells for their growing and development. The walking reflects especially favorably on the nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive systems. It diminishes of risk of some types cancer, atherosclerosis and it is especially healthy for pregnant women and for women in menopause.
The walking is the most effective form for exercise. In the walking is used oxygen in large quantities that helps the organism to burn the unwanted fat. Here is one example: if you walk 1.6 km, you will burn 100 calories. When it’s about physical mass and kilograms it is important to remember the magic equation: 0.5 kg = 3 500 calories. I.e. for every unwanted kilogram at your body you have to use up energy that is equal to 7000 calories. At first sight this is hard work, but with enough motion all could be achieved.
The walking strengthens the muscles as in this way it tonics and forms your body. The enlarged muscular mass from its side ameliorates the metabolism and this means that you continue to burn calories long time after you have stopped to move. The good new is that it isn’t necessary to “accept” at the same time the necessary portion walking. If you don’t have time for long walks steal some free time during the day.
You have to know that every form of walking burns calories and takes cares for your muscular tonicity. To make the most of the advantages of the walking you have to remember:
- Always prefer the distance to the speed. This means that it’s better to traverse big distance slowly, instead of get tired too early from the fast speed of motion.
- Seek after inclined spaces – to help the constructing of muscles climb up stairs, walk slopes.
- Get warm gradually – start with slow walk and gradually hasten the speed without going too far.
- The physical activity doesn’t have to be charging, but permanent, so walk regularly and don’t be tempted to get on your car or to use the transport.
The walking is practicing quite intensely also in Bulgaria and it exist even initiatives that hardly propagandize it. “Live actively!” is a project of “Nestle Bulgaria” and aims to popularize the walking as comfortable and easy way for physical activity in city environment. Every year thousand citizens get include in the walk from the National Palace of Culture to the South Park in confirmation of the initiative. This time participated also famous person like Neshka Robeva, Maria Grozdeva, Titi Papazov, Armen Nazarian.
Source: www.aarp.org
Photos: www.photoeverywhere.co.uk, reginanuzzo.com, www.co.dakota.mn.us, nordicwalker.com, img2.timeinc.net
Read: 5015 times © Fashion Lifestyle Magazine, issue 14, September 2008
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