Lubomir Stoykov – Editor-in-chief of “Fashion Lifestyle Magazine”
As the saying goes in the trivial jubilee speeches, „one year passed unnoticeably”! Trivial or not, but it is really ours, and I think that it is also yours online edition „Fashion Lifestyle Magazine” and it is already one year old in the virtual sphere. The publishing of a magazine in Internet that is always topical and dynamic although in the frames of one year sounds really seriously! During this year it became an important and an organic part of the Bulgarian journalism for fashion and style of living. From the beginning of its appearance the headings increased almost twice and today they are 24, concerning as news as information topics from the area of the fashion design, of the fashion business and of the industry with textile and clothing, as also analytic and comment interpretations of the most significant sides of the style, the cosmetics, the haircut, the body, and also such a universal and value questions like the sex and the family, the free time, the entertainment and the pleasures. Among the priority topical fields were also the new generations, the youth subcultures and the Bulgarian fashion as a whole. The online magazine „Fashion Lifestyle Magazine” is well known in almost 80 countries in all over the world, and the passing gazing in the reader’s visitations indicates the amazing 500 000 impressions! Among the publications record-breakers can be registered the covering of the charity premiere of Almanac of the Bulgarian fashion 2008, those readers only till now number 10 296! We are satisfied that during this one year we gave our contribution to the quality interactive and multimedia communication with the beauty, the elegance, the fashion experiments and the dynamics of the style. Our online edition for fashion and lifestyle gave its serious contribution to the quality management of two of the most serious competitions – „Show me your Sloggi” and „Become a model of Kwiat”, giving the chance of thousands young people to show, to win and to fulfill in the area, for those they are dreaming of. Although unpretending, as well significant is our contribution to the popularizing of one very important and big initiative of the Ministry of the Education „The school clothing - yesterday, today and tomorrow”.
For the achieved editorial aims all of the colleagues that are professionally and creative engaged with the magazine have merit. I have to express a special gratitude to my wonderful partner and associate Silvia Kavaivanova, vice-editor-in-chief of the magazine and manager of the biggest Bulgarian fashion portal, , as to the editor Galina Kondova, manager in the consulting house „Ot igla do konets”. Words of gratitude for their inspiring and responsible work deserve the other members of the team, responsible as for the web design and for the programming, as for the editorial, reporter, translation and as a whole – journalistic job – Zdravka Kirilova, Kristina Paytasheva, Silvia Madina, Velizar Garvalov, Tsvetomir Sarachilov, Teodora Hristova etc. The readers won’t forget the interesting and exciting features of our authors like head assistant Dr. Katia Mihailova, Iva Nedelcheva, Snejana Avramova etc. Especially obligatory are the thousand reader’s comments and letters, that are very interesting with their emotional appreciations, original proposals and – of course – critical recommendations. Our magazine was honored to partner successfully with such a confirmed Bulgarian and foreign advertisers and sponsors, those brands and names deserve respect: „Triumph” „Kwiat”, „Aims G”, „Miró”, „Bridal fashion”, „Markam”, „Etere”, „Hotel Samokov”, „Lektra” etc. We thank them that they confide to us and that they appreciated highly our professionalism. With happy feeling we address to all the others online magazines, newspapers, sites and portals, with those we exchanged links and with those we helped each other by information and expert means.
What is our future? Is it famous the directory where we realize our potential, our ideas and our searches? Our aspiration from now on will be to win recognition as the most quality and prestigious magazine for fashion in the Internet space. We intend to enlarge and to extend our approach to this so important and interesting for the most of the people topic – style of living and style of clothing. We plan to give more space and to pay more attention to the manifestations of the young Bulgarian designers, of the students from the Bulgarian and from the foreign academies, universities and colleges. We want to attract new names as authors and associates and to give bigger possibility for manifestation of the specialists of fashion and fashion illustration, textile and building, market and fashion presentations, of theory and practice of the fashion etc. It is very important for our future development the initiation of interesting and useful competitions for innovation design thinking, for the best styling and for Bulgarian fashion icon. We are sure that we will achieve these important for us aims, because our inspiration is the real and original beauty in the real life and our instruments – the competence, the good informing of people, the fast reflexion and the high aesthetical values.
Let be happy to us the first anniversary of our lovely magazine „Fashion Lifestyle Magazine”!
Read: 95118 times © Fashion Lifestyle Magazine, issue 12, July 2008
ISSUE 8: is everything in vogue?
ISSUE 7: Does “chalga” fashion exist?
ISSUE 6: Balance of elegance
ISSUE 5: Cloth for the holiday and holiday for the cloth