Мinor and strange beginning
Prof. Lubomir Stoykov
– chief-editor of
“Fashion Lifestyle Magazine”
The beginning of the fashion life in the poorest country in the European Union - our Bulgaria - was minor and strange. It was minor, because the events during the first days of October – such as fashion shows, presentations, press conferences among others weren’t luxurious and glittering enough, compared to these, held one or two years ago. It was strange, because regardless of the crisis, lack of resources, failures, discharges and dismissals, designers and fashion houses still keep presenting their newest collections, opening boutiques and shops. We were able to attend three or four events per day – a fact that irritated journalists and guests because they were not able to visit them all. What is the explanation? It is not only one. From one side, even crisis does not stop designers and entrepreneurs to be stable and to show the impression that they will fight until the end – until they run out of their resources or until their spirit falls. From other side, some producers and retailers act according their initial strategy – to establish their business exactly in this hard moment. Their logic has its reason: it is clear that crisis will pass and they will have serious marketing and image positions – a fact that is a precondition for a successful competence. There are other reasons for this strange fashion activity during crisis: inertia and fond ambitions of famous and not so well known fashion designers and entrepreneurs; financial and management incompetence; ridiculous desire and even display of paranoia. We show our condescension to these last people and the first ones we respect and greet about their courage. The most sagacious among all of them are those who minimize unnecessary expenses for advertising and spend their money for the so-called communication management and especially public relations and public communication and who appreciate the new attitude towards media and the holly initials “PR”. All manifestations of good will for good relations between fashion companies and agencies, designers and media consultants, organizers and participants in fashion shows are a good sign. This is a compromise, regarding prices, willingness for concession and for normal signs of friendship.
The new issue of our bilingual online magazine „Fashion Lifestyle Magazine” is already on your desktops. How do we hope to enjoy you? We are very glad that talented Bulgarian designer Maria Doychinova opened her showroom in Paris – the heart of world fashion. Her collection `Symbioun` shows the visual and spiritual connection between fashion design and fine arts. She was inspired by the work of such artists as I. Iliev and I. Nagel and that is how she has reached to the wonderful dimensions of a new aesthetics with great impact. It is a very important fact that Rei Kawakubo’s Japanese fashion house Comme des garcons officially announced their agreement with Apple company who owns the rights for Beetles’ songs.
Gianfranco Ferre’s fashion is impressing because it is playful and joyful. It does impose the so called joy of living, admiration and it pays homage to woman’s beauty – modern, free, loving. This issue also offers you brand new, unknown or less known facts for the life and work of this talented fashion designer who left us too early. You can read the sequel of Kristina Stambolova’s analysis about the style of Michelle Obama. The author is saying that the first Afro-American first lady in the White house impresses not only with her warm and stylish behaviour but also with her distinct visual culture. Her style of dressing can be qualified as chic, simple, elegant and breaking the rules, but not scandalous.
Evgenia Jivkova makes her confessions in the Interview rubric. She reveals to Maria Vassileva the secrets of hеr last collection “Extravagant winter”. We have a look at the tendencies in intimate fashion and especially at one of the leaders – the famous Triumph company: playful romance, alluring confidence, pure elegance, dynamic modernity – these are only part of the keywords of the newest trend in women’s underwear, as the author Silviya Madina admits. Newest researches on cohabitation lead to serious speculations not only about intimate but also on family life. Results say it all: cohabitation without marriage rarely ends with marriage just because men and women get separated.
Helena Christensen’s first solo exhibition (famous supermodel from the past), curious facts about bosozoku society, which means “violent running tribe” - a Japanese subculture, most often related to motorcycle as well as important historical facts about feminine trousers will enrich your ideas about style and taste, values and dynamics in fashion.
Our magazine „Fashion Lifestyle Magazine” offers all this plus plentiful of information about fashion and business news, fresh and edifying stories related to lifestyle and fashion as well as curious and important fact from the sphere of media and culture, leisure time, photo models and scandals. Have a nice reading, dear readers!
Read: 45138 times © Fashion Lifestyle Magazine, issue 27, October 2009
MORE PUBLICATIONS:ISSUE 26: New season – new fashion
ISSUE 25: Fashion: beauty, art and business
ISSUE 24: Passion and seduction, relax and free behaviour
ISSUE 20: Тhe universal cloth